Innovation Camp – Landsichten

Germany’s places beyond the urban centers are diverse. There is no specific rural area, whether in terms of resources or social, structural and political challenges.

Rural areas and the role of cultural and creative industries as a source of inspiration for solving acute challenges are the focus of the Innovation Camp “Landsichten”, which has found its place in the Kühlhaus/Görlitz in 2019. In close cooperation with all participants, topics such as structural change, shortage of skilled workers and requirements for new education systems were addressed from 12 to 14.09.2019 using concrete case studies. For this purpose, interdisciplinary teams were formed to develop individual solutions for working and living spaces in rural areas.

Furthermore, real case studies from all over Germany showed how the cultural and creative industries respond to the complex demands of rural areas: they create facts, write new narratives, open up spaces for experimentation and enable collaborations beyond familiar boundaries.

Together with the design studio THE CONSTITUTE, we hosted and documented this event.

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