
The Fabmobil is a rolling lab for the Upper Lusatia. It is a double-decker bus equipped with digital technology and machine tools and offers workshops and courses – for kids, young people and beyond. The goal of the Fabmobil is to bring creative technologies such as 3D printing, virtual reality, robotics and programming to rural areas. To vitalize and activate existing offerings and to build new, digital and contemporary cultural and experiential formats. The Fabmobil is regularly on the road in East Saxony and drives to schools, cultural centers and public places.

With the Fabmobil we get directly to the young people, which is a big advantage in the countryside. Furthermore, the Fabmobil connects young smartphone professionals with work-experienced and partly retired technology experts in intergenerational offers – in this way, a long-term and intergenerational learning process can be created. The mobile nature of the project creates a closer network of cultural and educational venues spread throughout the region. Thus, information material is distributed more widely and attention is generated for a regional cultural offering, which can lead to the establishment of new networks.

The Fabmobil sees itself as a meaningful and mobile agent for exceptional cultural and educational offerings. A deliberately open cultural laboratory, with a cosmopolitan and intercultural orientation for rural areas. In the course of continuous cooperation with schools and other public institutions, we want to initiate a transformation of young people from consumers to producers. Through our offerings, we promote cultural self-realization, professional qualification, and broad socio-cultural participation. Mobile workshops, courses and creative-cultural experience offers enable open-ended experimentation and convey an open-minded image of society. The Fabmobil offers young actors a consistent and reliable free space to develop and test new digital and cultural formats. Project-based interaction is important: free and supported trial and error, the joy of experimentation, and playful learning open up new perspectives for the professional and private future.

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